If you are shopping for shirataki noodles whole foods one is certainly sure to find them stocked upon the shelves inside. I first found them in my Whole Foods grocer about nine months ago. If you are a person that is pretty familiar with the layout of the grocery store then it will be easy for you to locate them. In my local store they have them stocked in the refrigerator section where the cold tofu items are also placed. They were on the bottom shelf and there were approximately three different brands to select from.
If you have any sort of food allergy please be sure to read each of the packages as some of them may contain soy or gluten. I always choose the miracle noodle brand because it is soy and gluten free. I have sensitivity to these ingredients so I am very careful in my shopping choices. I do know that this is a very popular food item but I have only found them sold out for a couple of days at a time. The store personnel are usually very helpful in advising when they may be in stock again. It may be a great idea for you to make a phone call to your local Whole Foods prior to making a special trip to insure that they do indeed carry them and that they are currently in stock.
If for some reason or another there is not a Whole Foods grocery store in your town then by all means the website is a secured site where you can have them delivered right to your home. It will only take a couple of days for them to arrive.
Here is a little tip that I would like to share with my readers to grab some savings. When shopping at my local Whole Foods if you buy items by the case they offered me a ten percent discount. So if buying your shirataki noodles in bulk is what you are looking to do then please consider the savings that may be seen when you check out at the register. To everyone’s health.